Annual Course

Five editions of annual inter-disciplinary cultural appraisal course were held in 1996-2001, in partnership with the Dept. of English, SNDT Women’s University. The weeklong courses were offered to the undergraduate college students. Each year the curriculum was drawn after long deliberations with the practitioners and scholars of the respective disciplines. Each course covered a range of similar and overlapping disciplines and yet underlined the autonomy of each of the practices. The course was conceived as a methodology towards multi-culturalism and inter-sectionality through the study of interfaces between disciplines of social sciences, arts and humanities, and between discourses and practices.

The resource people were drawn from the highest echelon of practitioners in order to make a bridge between pedagogy and best practices.

  • 1996 Ways of Seeing: Cinema, Painting and Architecture at SNDT Juhu campus
  • 1997 Modes of Perception in Performing Arts: Theatre, Music and Dance at SNDT Juhu campus
  • 1999 Tales, Sites and Memory: Reading History Through Living Cultures at Mohile Parikh Centre, NCPA
  • 2000 Literature and Literary Practices at Y B Chavan Centre
  • 2001 Science as a Site of Culture at Jindal Art Centre, NCPA

A selection of lectures, exercises and demonstrations are compiled in the publication Sites and Practices: An Exercise in Cultural Pedagogy.
See Productions_Publications page in this site.